If you found your way here and are reading this now, no doubt you're a true Sled Head
looking for an adventure. Well, all things evolve. The old DITCH BANGERS BALL format
has run it's last fence line into the sunset. The good news is there are years of
sledding adventures ahead, for all of us.
So keep tabs on our good friends at the Karlstad Eagles Club via Facebook.
Weather and snow conditions permitting they are developing a new
"Ditchbangers" annual event.
We'll leave this site up for a while to help get the word out. On behalf of my dear friend
Al and myself, I just want to say one more time "Thank You", to all our friends, old and new
who for a quarter of a century helped make this annual gathering something special indeed.
And finally "cheers" to all the sled-friendly small town bars, high school mascots from long ago,
leaf springs, the smell of two-stroke exhaust through a wet facemask and the distant
scream of a greasy triple on below zero winters night. See you on the trails soon.....
Ron and Al

Our Ditch Banger Anthem*
In memory of the late, great
Stompin' Tom Connors
2/9/1936 - 3/6/2013